Hi guys! Sorry I've been really busy, but I'll give you a run down of my recent trip to Edinburgh and the food I consumed.
So I arrived in Edinburgh on Saturday night, it was around 11:30 PM--really late, yes. My hostel was an old church from the 18th century...which is now a hostel. It was freezing, a good 5 degrees below zero. It was the worst three nights of sleep in my life.
I did walk the entire city in and out, left and right, back and forth, and it was quite nice; I, unfortunately, couldn't say the same for the people. Not the friendliest in general. There is an exception. I went to one bar called the Music Bar, the bartenders and their patrons were some of the nicest people I met, compared to the other bars I went to where it was quiet and unfriendly. This place was great. Proper poured Guinness, great music, great atmosphere, and friendly faces of course.
I did visit places like Edinburgh Castle, University of Edinburgh, both old town and old town, many of the cathedrals. They were nice, even with the overcasting clouds.
On to the food! I unfortunately was on a budget and didn't eat as much as I could have hoped. BUT! I did try the Scottish delicacy that is HAGGIS! Unfortunately I do not have video or photos of me eating the actual haggis with meat, but I do have a picture of the VEGETARIAN haggis that I ate. I mean, VEGETARIAN? Is that an oxymoron?
Pax for now.